ActiveLearning graduates and counting
17 years
Delivering world-class IT training
Enterprise customers
Our expert instructors are ready to assist you during hands-on exercises so you can continue learning.
If you want to reinforce your learning or simply learn new insights from other instructors, you’re entitled to attend free refresher classes.
More than just lectures, you also get to work on practical hands-on exercises so you can immediately apply theory into practice.
Through our Virtual Labs, you can access a remote computer so you can continue working on hands-on exercises anytime, anywhere.
ActiveLearning graduates and counting
Delivering world-class IT training
Enterprise customers
“I like how the instructor answers our questions whenever we don't understand specific topic. He is very well versed and provided constructive feedback to all of…”
“Our instructor is friendly towards learners and approachable. CompTIA CertMaster labs can cover it all.”
“Our instructor is candid and likes to relate the subject matter to real-life settings. What i liked most are the Hands-on training exercises, it gives me a…”
“The instructor is knowledgeable about the course and made the student learned by stating examples through experience. Will recommend the course to others and most of…”
“The activities played a big role in learning the course. It was easy yet challenging.”
“Very knowledgeable with regards to the topic and able to explain it very well.”
“The instructor is very good in terms of elaborating each chapter in the manual as well as giving example codes and scenarios. Very precise and direct…”
“I loved everything. This will surely help me as a Test Specialist. I will apply what I've learned from the discussion to my work.”
“The course really taught me a lot about Android Development. I'm very grateful that it gained my knowledge is a Developer. I can't wait to share…”