ActiveLearning graduates and counting
17 years
Delivering world-class IT training
Enterprise customers
Our expert instructors are ready to assist you during hands-on exercises so you can continue learning.
If you want to reinforce your learning or simply learn new insights from other instructors, you’re entitled to attend free refresher classes.
More than just lectures, you also get to work on practical hands-on exercises so you can immediately apply theory into practice.
Through our Virtual Labs, you can access a remote computer so you can continue working on hands-on exercises anytime, anywhere.
ActiveLearning graduates and counting
Delivering world-class IT training
Enterprise customers
“I like the interaction with the students and how she explained in an understandable way.”
“Has mastery of the subject. Can explain the topics in a concise and comprehensive manner.”
“Sir Z is such a great instructor. Knows the subject/topic very well. very approachable and accommodating. ”
“The instructor is knowledgeable on the subject; arrives on time and professional. Fun to be with.”
“Instructor was very eager to discuss the topics and answer the questions with good amount of knowledge and experience.”
“The instructor is knowledgeable about the course and made the student learned by stating examples through experience. Will recommend the course to others and most of…”
“The instructor is very accommodating to all questions. It gives me a better picture of what IT Security is.”
“He is an excellent instructor, he explains things very well and lectures effectively. An extremely helpful and informative course. The activities are very relevant to the…”
“Excellent attention to trainees' questions and explains parts of the course well.”