ActiveLearning graduates and counting
17 years
Delivering world-class IT training
Enterprise customers
Our expert instructors are ready to assist you during hands-on exercises so you can continue learning.
If you want to reinforce your learning or simply learn new insights from other instructors, you’re entitled to attend free refresher classes.
More than just lectures, you also get to work on practical hands-on exercises so you can immediately apply theory into practice.
Through our Virtual Labs, you can access a remote computer so you can continue working on hands-on exercises anytime, anywhere.
ActiveLearning graduates and counting
Delivering world-class IT training
Enterprise customers
“The course provides good initial exposure on the tools (by listing and testing) for the attendee to build on hereafter.”
“The instructor explained the course well and others can understand it better. I like how interactive the activities are. Even setting up hardware is interactive.”
“I like the way she elaborates the meaning / terms of each part of the lessons.”
“The course is great. I've come to appreciate SQL even more. Excellent instructor. He is able to explain all the topics very clearly. The content of…”
“This is the first time I actually learn something when taking a course. And this is the first time everything in the course manual was discussed…”
“Impressive content. With this 3-day workshop, we can now build our web apps. Knowledgeable in his craft. Learned a lot in three days. Nice place and…”
“The instructor is cool who knows the subject matter very well. He ensured everyone participle in all activities and he was able to answer inquiries really…”
“Very clear in teaching and I learned a lot especially in Objects, Jquery, JSON, AJAX. Also, I learned other things like conventions and best practices in…”
“Activities were well thought to apply the concepts learned.”