
The instructor was knowledgeable on every topic. Every topic is related to my work and experience.
”— Mark Adrian Parrila

The Labs and PBQs are very useful to pass the CompTIA Network+ Certification.
”— Jansen Mark Baril

The instructor was able to impart his technical knowledge combined with theoretical knowledge. Course content is complete and summarized the whole CompTIA Network+ training.
”— K. Viray

The training experience was an absolute joy.
”— Emmanuel Mesina

The course content is detailed and very easy to understand.
”— Frederick Ryan Gadon

The instructor explained the course well and others can understand it better. I like how interactive the activities are. Even setting up hardware is interactive.
”— Joshua Cinches

The instructor was excellent. He uses an analogy. The course delivery was precise and the course was arranged according to our expectations. Highly recommend Active Learning.
”— Dax Ilog

The instructor was outstanding. Great lecture! The course content was well organized. The activities were fun and we applied what we learned. Course delivery was very clear. Will recommend friends.
”— Dax Ilog

Excellent Instructor.
”— Michael Jason Villa

Great instructor. I was able to learn more about Azure and cloud computing.