
“It is complete, comprehensive and enlightening on my role in my work.”
— Lawrence Pactao

“The activities are aligned with what has been taught and there are touches of cleverness and tricks in the drills which could really help in the exam prep as well as overall knowledge.”
— John Michael Imperial

“The course gave us a big overview of PHP and gave us all the stuff that we need to get us started to PHP programming. The essentials were covered that I think it is the basic thing to know in every programming language and the intermediate things will follow easily after. The course activities were fun and were challenging.”
— Eleirold Asuncion

“Just the right amount of activities. Well constructed, the activities were not too difficult nor too easy.”
— Jestel Diona Buenaventura

“I like the way how the exercises relate to the chapters and how it progress. The course is straight forward and easy to understand. ”
— Isabelo Galeon

“It is very interactive and teaches the concepts clearly. Moreover, it is applicable in real-world situations.”
— Bernard James Beltran

“Course content is really good. Covered almost everything I need to know. The activities really helped me implement the things I've learned in this course.”
— John Philip Carmona

“The course was able to comprise all details for us to be able to create a decent functional android application, which can personally help me greatly at work.”
— Diana Naparam

“Course content is excellent, the case study makes the concepts much clearer to the audience.”
— Livie Hayao Jr.

“I liked the topics. It deepened my Linux experience.”