ActiveLearning Launches Android Training in the Philippines

MANILA – ActiveLearning, a leading provider of Java technology training in the Philippines, today introduced a new training program in the Philippines entitled “Developing Mobile Applications with Android”, a comprehensive Android training program that immerses participants in 3 days of intensive hands-on exercises.

“Android devices have become so prevalent that the demand for Android developers has skyrocketed in the past year.  Unfortunately, the supply of Android developers is unable to cope with the demand.  We hope that with this Android training course, we can bridge that gap.” said Gavin C. Lim, ActiveLearning Training Director.

By the end of the course, participants would have completed an application that would allow them to push SMS messages through from their desktop computers to their Android device.

Exercises include:

  • Creating an Android application from scratch
  • Building the UI using the ADT Visual Designer
  • Saving and retrieving data using SharedPreferences and Content Providers
  • Sending SMS
  • Sending push messages to Android devices using Google C2DM

ActiveLearning will start running the course “Developing Mobile Applications with Android” at its training center starting April of 2012. For more information about the courses, visit:

About ActiveLearning, Inc.

ActiveLearning, Inc. is a leading provider of technology training to IT professionals and managers in the Philippines. The company develops and delivers a broad library of instructor-led courses focused on web development, operating systems, programming languages, databases, computer networks, computer and network security, object-oriented technology, project management and key business skills. To know more about ActiveLearning, visit

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