
Master of the subject. Clarity of voice. Engaging. Very applicable to my work. Very educational and engaging. Nice lighting and spacing. Snacks are of generous serving.
”— Arvin Andrew Apolonio

The instructor was willing to answer questions even if it's not part of the course material Clear and relatable Activities are fun and engaging.
”— Lambert Antonio

He is knowledgeable and well-versed in UX. He was able to explain things in simple terms. Fun and interesting to do a hands-on approach to building an app.
”— Jillian Carpio

Very approachable and accommodating. Very enlightening, we discover new approaches/solutions that can be used in our customer service.
”— Mercedita Pasturan

Very accommodating especially in exercises and answering questions. Very good exercises, I particularly like the password strength exercises. Students can relate to the activities, they are real-life situations.
”— Maria Aileen Corales

Very accommodating especially in exercises and answering questions. Very good exercises, I particularly like the password strength exercises. Students can relate to the activities, they are real-life situations.
”— Maria Aileen Corales

Our instructor is clearly an expert on the subject matter and is able to clearly communicate complex ideas and present them comprehensively.
”— Andrew Alaras

Very knowledgeable and make use of analogy to better explain the subject. Approachable~ he did a great job in sharing his expertise. Thank you, sir! The course itself is okay and a great stepping stone for beginners!
”— Cristina Vasquez

This is the first time I actually learn something when taking a course. And this is the first time everything in the course manual was discussed in detail. Good job and thumbs up for Sir Lawrence!
”— Andrea Villavicencio

I am impressed of Sir Lawrence on how he was able to relate real life experience with his samples for students to better understand the concept of each topics