Brendelmeri Divina
“I like how our instructor acknowledged the area of excel that we want to know more, he clearly state the objective in class, provide thorough explanation of the subject matter, discuss the course in a way that we understand it even though some of us were first timer and did not attended any formal training in excel prior this course and lastly he make sure that we understand the training by providing concrete sample relating to our work and everyday life.”

— Brendelmeri Divina

Brendelmeri Divina
“I like how our instructor acknowledged the area of excel that we want to know more, he clearly state the objective in class, provide thorough explanation of the subject matter, discuss the course in a way that we understand it even though some of us were first timer and did not attended any formal training in excel prior this course and lastly he make sure that we understand the training by providing concrete sample relating to our work and everyday life.”

— Brendelmeri Divina

Alexandra Gatchallan
“The course content and the flow of the lecture topics were easy to follow and track throughout the lecture.”

— Alexandra Gatchallan

Ella Marie Grace Lingao

The course met my expectations. I gained additional skills and knowledge. The activities are easy to follow and understand. Content is really useful for my work .

— Ella Marie Grace Lingao

Ella Marie Grace Lingao
“The course met my expectations. I gained additional skills and knowledge. The activities are easy to follow and understand. Content is really useful for my work .”

— Ella Marie Grace Lingao

Jeizmon L. Sagaran
“Instructor was very eager to discuss the topics and answer the questions with good amount of knowledge and experience.”

— Jeizmon L. Sagaran

Charles Joshua Alba
“The instructor was able to chop quite a lengthy course into bite-sized pieces, was able to provide real-life examples (I particularly like when the Globe site was being scrutinized), and how certain examples come from the instructor's previous works.”

— Charles Joshua Alba

Marion Oloris
“The course widens my understanding on UX and learned that as a designer / developer, I need to think / involved user's persective in developing program and functions.”

— Marion Oloris

Renée Tuazon
“The instructor taught well. I had no problem understanding and the activities were fun.”

— Renée Tuazon

Carla Timtiman
“The instrucror uses real-life experience which is a very good way to teach.”

— Carla Timtiman