Martin Dale Delfin

The very best instructor! Very good content. I liked practical hacking.

— Martin Dale Delfin

John Godwin Lim

Our instructor is candid and likes to relate the subject matter to real-life settings. What i liked most are the Hands-on training exercises, it gives me a real feel of the subject matter. 

— John Godwin Lim

Edmar Sultan

All was good, lesson flow is smooth.

— Edmar Sultan

Jorge Lagrosa

It was very informative and the place is good to conduct seminars. Overall the whole experience and package were Excellent.

— Jorge Lagrosa

Mark Villapando

He has a lot of experience in the subject matter. Content gives a comprehensive breakdown of the subject matter. Strengthens knowledge and teaches the application of the subject matter to a real-life situations.

— Mark Villapando

Wilfred Deuna

I enjoyed his sharing of actual work experience and his exam during the last part of the training. It's pretty friendly to those who are just starting the PM role.

— Wilfred Deuna

Shyrel Castor

Great mentor, and was willing to unselfishly share his knowledge with the group.

— Shyrel Castor

Roderick Tumbaga

The instructor is very knowledgeable in Project Management. Nice game activity at the end of the course.

— Roderick Tumbaga

Michael Rossil Pangonilo

Our instructor is very knowledgeable and an expert in the field. Concise and useful. Site is accessible.

— Michael Rossil Pangonilo

Cheryl Retes

Very approachable and flexible to students. I like the activities and the course guide. I like everything.

— Cheryl Retes