ActiveLearning Launches Microsoft Project Training in the Philippines

09-May-2015 –MANILA, ActiveLearning Inc. today launched a new training course called “Microsoft Project 2013 Essentials”. Microsoft Project is one of the most widely-used project management tools used by project managers globally.

“An effective project manager must be able to organize resources, work under tight deadlines, anticipate problems, and generate maximum team performance. Although project managers may know these skills, a tool like Microsoft Project goes a long way in helping the project manager make important decisions critical to the project. After taking this course, project managers would probably wonder how they could have managed projects without Microsoft Project.”, says Gavin Lim – Training Director of ActiveLearning.

This training course presents the skills that participants need to get the most out of Microsoft Project 2013.

With this hands-on training, participants will learn how to:

  • Schedule work projects by using phases, links and tasks
  • Manage critical resources and tasks assignment
  • Create and customize timelines
  • Work efficiently with Tasks
  • Work with Deadlines and Constraints
  • Create reports from scratch
  • Highlight critical, slack or late tasks which is important on polishing projects

For more information about this course, visit:

About ActiveLearning, Inc.

ActiveLearning, Inc. is the Philippines’ leading provider of Information Technology and Project Management education, where thousands of professionals take courses from application development to project management to network security, and much more.

Courses are taught by industry experts and learning is enhanced through a blend of in-depth lectures, workshops, and hands-on exercises.

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