What You Get
- CompTIA CySA+ Exam Voucher
- 35 hours of high quality classroom or live online training
- Access to CertMaster Learn
- CompTIA CySA+ Accredited Instructor
- More than 120 end of chapter drill questions with answer keys
- Mock exam with answer key
- Online access to CompTIA CySA+ learning resources
- Official CompTIA CySA+ Digital Courseware
- Certificate of Attendance
- Exam Prep Guarantee
- Unlimited course refresher for 1 year (Note: exams are not included)
Course Benefits
CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) is an IT workforce certification that applies behavioral analytics to networks and devices to prevent, detect and combat cybersecurity threats through continuous security monitoring.
CompTIA CySA+ is the only cybersecurity analyst certification with both hands-on, performance-based questions and multiple-choice questions.
In this training, you will be able to proactively capture, monitor, and respond to network traffic findings. You also learn about application security, automation, threat hunting, and IT regulatory compliance, which affects the daily work of security analysts.
You Will Learn How To
- Assess and respond to security threats and operate a systems and network security platform
- Collect and use cybersecurity intelligence and threat data
- Identify modern cybersecurity threat actors types and tactics, techniques, and procedures
- Analyze data collected from security and event logs and network packet captures
- Respond to and investigate cybersecurity incidents using forensic analysis techniques
- Assess information security risk in computing and network environments
- Implement a vulnerability management program
- Address security issues with an organization’s network architecture
- Understand the importance of data governance controls
- Address security issues with an organization’s software development life cycle
- Address security issues with an organization‘s use of cloud and service-oriented architecture
Who Should Attend
This course is designed for those who are seeking the CompTIA CySA+ CS0-002 certification and who are aiming for job roles such as:
- Security Operations Center Analyst
- Vulnerability Analyst
- Cybersecurity Specialist
- Intelligence Analyst
- Security Engineer
- Cybersecurity analyst
- At least 2 years experience in network security
- Familiarity with TCP/IP protocols such as IP, ARP, ICMP, DNS, DHCP, HTTP, etc
- Familiarity with common safeguards in network environments, such as firewalls, IPS, NAC, and VPNs
About the Exam
- Maximum of 85 questions
- Multiple choice and performance-based
- 165 minutes
- Passing Score: 750 (scale of 100 - 900)
- Testing Provider: Pearson Vue Testing Centers or Online Testing
Course Outline
Explaining the Importance of Security Controls and Security Intelligence
- Identify Security Control Types
- Explain the Importance of Threat Data and Intelligence
Utilizing Threat Data and Intelligence
- Classify Threats and Threat Actor Type
- Utilize Attack Frameworks and Indicator Management
- Utilize Threat Modeling and Hunting Methodologies
Analyzing Security Monitoring Data
- Analyze Network Monitoring Output
- Analyze Appliance Monitoring Output
- Analyze Endpoint Monitoring Output
- Analyze Email Monitoring Output
Collecting and Querying Security Monitoring Data
- Configure Log Review and SIEM Tools
- Analyze and Query Logs and SIEM Data
Utilizing Digital Forensics and Indicator Analysis Techniques
- Identify Digital Forensics Techniques
- Analyze Network-related IoCs
- Analyze Host-related IoCs
- Analyze Application-Related IoCs
- Analyze Lateral Movement and Pivot IoCs
Applying Incident Response Procedures
- Explain Incident Response Processes
- Apply Detection and Containment Processes
- Apply Eradication, Recovery, and Post-Incident Processes
Applying Risk Mitigation and Security Frameworks
- Apply Risk Identification, Calculation, and Prioritization Processes
- Explain Frameworks, Policies, and Procedures
Performing Vulnerability Management
- Analyze Output from Enumeration Tools
- Configure Infrastructure Vulnerability Scanning Parameters
- Analyze Output from Infrastructure Vulnerability Scanners
- Mitigate Vulnerability Issues
Applying Security Solutions for Infrastructure Management
- Apply Identity and Access Management Security Solutions
- Apply Network Architecture and Segmentation Security Solutions
- Explain Hardware Assurance Best Practices
- Explain Vulnerabilities Associated with Specialized Technology
Understanding Data Privacy and Protection
- Identify Non-Technical Data and Privacy Controls
- Identify Technical Data and Privacy Controls
Applying Security Solutions for Software Assurance
- Mitigate Software Vulnerabilities and Attacks
- Mitigate Web Application Vulnerabilities and Attacks
- Analyze Output from Application Assessments
Applying Security Solutions for Cloud and Automation
- Identify Cloud Service and Deployment Model Vulnerabilities
- Explain Service-Oriented Architecture
- Analyze Output from Cloud Infrastructure Assessment Tools
- Compare Automation Concepts and Technologies