Smart Communications Taps ActiveLearning to Provide Android Development Training

MANILA, (August 1, 2012) – ActiveLearning, a leading provider of IT training in the Philippines, recently conducted its Developing Mobile Applications with Android course to programmers of SMART Communications – the Philippines’ leading wireless services provider.

ActiveLearning provided Android training for ten (10) SMART employees as part of Smart’s efforts to provide more value added services to its customers through Android apps.

“We are very pleased to be chosen as SMART’s Android training provider. We look forward to continue providing top-notch, high-quality Android development training to SMART Communications and other organizations in the Philippines,” said Gavin C. Lim, ActiveLearning’s Training Director.

“I can’t believe that I learned so many things in just three days. Now I am confident that I can code a running Android app.” said Joshvin Matthew Domingo, one of the participants of the course.

By the end of the course, participants completed an application that allowed them to send SMS messages through from their desktop computers to their Android device. Exercises include:

  • Creating an Android application from scratch
  • Building the UI using the ADT Visual Designer
  • Saving and retrieving data using SharedPreferences and Content Providers
  • Sending SMS

ActiveLearning regularly conducts its “Developing Mobile Applications with Android” at its training center in Greenhills, San Juan.

For more information about the courses, visit:

ActiveLearning offers a variety of IT training courses, ranging from Java essentials to advanced enterprise frameworks, such as Spring and Hibernate, and now to Android development. ActiveLearning courses are available in classrooms, live over the Internet in virtual classrooms, or as private, on-site courses that can be tailored to the needs of your organization. For more information and the complete course portfolio, visit

About ActiveLearning, Inc.

ActiveLearning, Inc. is a leading provider of open-source technology training to IT professionals and managers in the Philippines and throughout Asia. The company develops and delivers a broad library of instructor-led courses focused on web development, operating systems, programming languages, databases, computer and network security, object-oriented technology, Android development, software testing, project management and agile methodology. ActiveLearning is a training partner of the Philippine Software Industry Association (PSIA). For more information about ActiveLearning services, call +63 2 726-8128 or visit our Web site at

About Smart Communications

Smart Communications, Inc. (Smart) is the Philippines’ leading wireless services provider with 49.0 million subscribers on its GSM network as of end-December 2011. Smart has built a reputation for innovation, having introduced world-first wireless data services, such as Smart Money, Smart Load, Smart Padala and the Netphone. Smart also offers 3G and HSPA+ services, and the country’s first and only LTE network.

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