Python Programming Training Philippines

Python is a general-purpose programming language that is high-level and interpreted. Python programming training will help the trainees build websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis. Its design philosophy prioritizes code readability by employing a large amount of indentation. It’s an excellent first language because it’s short and simple to understand.

Python Programming Training Philippines Learning Path<

Python Programming Training Philippines Learning Path

Python Programming Training Philippines
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Basic Python Programming

12 hours

Python is a widely used, open-source programming language that is especially suited for a wide range of applications including web development, machine learning, and data science. This Python training course provides the foundations for you to start writing Python applications.
Python Programming Training Philippines
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Advanced Python Programming

10.5 hours

Python is a widely used, open-source programming language that is especially suited for a wide range of applications including web development, machine learning, and data science. In this Python Programming course, you will learn advanced concepts like Object-Oriented concepts, exception handling and the basics of web application development using Django.