Courses Benefits
You Will Learn How To
- Apply best practices in web application development
- Develop scalable enterprise web applications using the Laravel Framework
- Implement the MVC design pattern to create maintainable applications
- Access various databases in a vendor-independent way
- Validate and pre-populate forms automatically
- Secure your application through proper authentication and authorization
Who Should Attend
Course Outline
Getting Started with Laravel Framework
- What is the Laravel Framework?
- The MVC Architectural Pattern
- Features of Laravel
- Installing Laravel
- Creating a Laravel Application
- Configuring Your Web Server for Laravel
- Using PHP's Built-In Web Server
- What is Routing?
- Route Files
- Defining Routes
- Redirecting Routes
- Routing to Views
- Acquiring Route Parameters
- Creating a Controller
- Creating a Route to a Controller
- Creating a Resource Controller
- Creating a Route to a Resource Controller
- Viewing the List of Routes
- Adding Methods to a Resource Controller
Requests and Responses
- Request
- Getting the Request Object
- Getting Request Parameters
- Processing File Uploads
- Getting the Request Method
- Getting Cookie Data
- Response
- Returning a View
- Returning a String
- Returning JSON Data
- Specifying the Status Code
- Specifying Response Header
- Sending Files to the Client
- Redirecting
- Adding Cookie Data
- Creating Views
- Passing Data from Controllers to Views
- Using Blade Statements
- Standard Configuration Files
- Accessing Application Configuration
- Accessing Environment Configuration
- Configuring Sessions
- Storing Data
- Retrieving Data
- Flashing Data
- Deleting Data
- Creating Basic Forms
- Protecting Against CSRF
- Validating Form Input
Database Access and Eloquent ORM
- Specifying Database Configuration
- Using Migrations
- Running SQL
- Building Queries using Query Builder
- Creating Models using Eloquent ORM
- Review: Creating a Resource Controller
- Displaying All Resources
- Displaying and Processing the Create Form
- Displaying a Single Resource
- Displaying and Processing the Edit / Update Form
- Adding Delete Functionality
- Putting It All Together
- Understanding REST APIs
- Creating API Routes and Controllers
Implementing CRUD Operations
- Review: Creating a Resource Controller
- Displaying All Resources
- Displaying and Processing the Create Form
- Displaying a Single Resource
- Displaying and Processing the Edit / Update Form
- Adding Delete Functionality
- Putting It All Together
- Introduction
- Setting Up Authentication
- Using Authentication
- Adding Authorization Logic
- Putting It All Together
Error Handling and Logging
- Manually Generating an HTTP Error
- Creating Custom HTTP Error Pages
- Disabling Debugging Information
- Writing Log Messages
Blade Templates
- Defining a Layout
- Using a Layout within Views
- Including Sub-views