
Courses Benefits

This web development training course introduces you to the basics of HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the most fundamental technologies in creating web pages. After attending this web development training course, you will know how to create web pages that can be used for both desktop and mobile devices. You will also be introduced to software tools professionals use to create professional looking web pages.

You Will Learn How To

  • Apply standard styling across your website using CSS3
  • Add images, hyperlinks to your pages
  • Lay out text and images on your page using CSS and tables
  • Create HTML forms
  • Create auto-resizing, mobile-friendly pages using Bootstrap
  • Deploy your website on a web server

Who Should Attend

This web development training course is perfect for those wanting to create professional-looking websites for desktop and mobile use. You should be comfortable using a computer. Programming knowledge is an advantage, but not required.

Course Outline

Introduction to HTML

  • HTML Elements
  • HTML Attributes
  • Your First Web Page
  • Adding Line Breaks
  • Adding Spaces
  • Adding Paragraphs
  • Adding Headings
  • Adding Links
  • Adding Images
  • Commenting Your Code
  • Validating Your Code

Formatting Text

  • Bolding, Italicizing and Underlining Text
  • Creating Subscripts and Superscripts
  • Making Text Small
  • Highlighting, Striking, Quoting Text
  • Displaying Computer Code
  • Writing Preformatted Text
  • Creating Unordered Lists
  • Creating Ordered Lists

Formatting with CSS

  • Cascading Style Sheets
  • Linking CSS to your HTML page
  • CSS Selector
  • Using Colors
  • Using Fonts
  • Using Google Fonts
  • Setting Font Size, Style and Weight
  • Setting Text Alignment
  • Adding Text Shadows
  • Adding Background Images
  • Adding Effects to Links

Working with Tables

  • Creating a Table
  • Defining Rows, Cells, Headers
  • Adding a Table Caption
  • Displaying Table Borders
  • Creating Rounded Borders and Drop Shadows
  • Adding Table Padding
  • Defining Row Height
  • Specifying Alignment
  • Collapsing Borders
  • Setting Table and Column Width
  • Merging Rows and Columns

Laying Out a Web Page

  • Layouts using div and span
  • Centering the contents of a div block
  • Setting the Alignment of div Contents
  • Centering a div Block
  • Adjusting a Block's Width
  • The Box Model, Padding, Margins and Borders
  • Positioning Elements
  • Creating a Simple Layout
  • Wrapping Text Around Pictures
  • Descendant Selector

Creating HTML Forms

  • Creating forms
  • Input Elements
  • Text Fields, Password Fields and Text Areas
  • Entering Dates
  • Radio Buttons and Check Boxes
  • Drop-down Lists and List Boxes
  • Autocomplete Fields with dataset
  • Grouping Form Fields with fieldset
  • Submit button

HTML5 and CSS3

  • HTML5 Canvas
  • Importing Objects
  • Importing Video
  • Importing Audio
  • Background Images
  • Gradients
  • 2d Transforms
  • 2d Transitions
  • Animations

Creating Mobile-Friendly Pages using Bootstrap

  • Downloading and Linking to Bootstrap
  • Using Bootstrap CSS Styles
  • Using Bootstrap Components
  • Creating Responsive Pages

Deploying Your Website

  • Web Servers
  • Copying Your HTML Files to the Web Server
  • Accessing Your Pages
  • The Default Page
  • Content Management Systems